Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thing #23: The End!

Thing #23: The End

This is it--the very last exercise you have to complete for the Fontana Regional Learning program. You've all worked so hard to make it to this point, and I am so appreciative that you've stuck with it the whole way. I hope you've learned a thing or two and had some fun.

To be true to what we've explored and learned, I've created and uploaded a video for you to watch. In order to complete Thing #23, you have to watch this last video and find out the requirements for your final blog post. Make sure you have two minutes to spare and your volume turned on and up. Since we've already taken a look at YouTube, this should be a piece of cake for everyone! The video to watch appears below:

You're within grasp of your chosen prize now! We'll be getting the incentives out to everyone shortly.

Congratulations on finishing!

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